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"Supporting you in your journey into motherhood and beyond"
Molly Knauer, MS, RD
Molly is a registered dietitian with her master's degree in clinicalnutrition from NYU. Molly opened her private practice to help clientsattain the confidence and energy to tackle their life's passions. Shealso works as a nutrition consultant for several brands in the food,wellness and beauty space. She has a 3 year old daughter, Maxieand 1 year old son, Levi. Molly feels passionately about empoweringwomen to feel their best through pregnancy and motherhood. Shealso helps mothers navigate introducing solids to their babies andthrough picky eater struggles with toddlers.
Lindsay Harding-Hall
Lindsay is the founder of The LH Approach. Originally from London, she started her career as a professional dancer and then went on to complete her mat work training with STOTT Pilates as well as their Prenatal and Postpartum courses too. After moving to NYC in 2019, she completed her full apparatus certification and added 2 morePrenatal and Postpartum certifications to her name. She continued to build a predominately prenatal and post-partum client base in NYC and has continued her efforts to help women feel empowered throughout their pregnancies and beyond. Lindsay also has her health coach certification through The Nutritious Life program which allows her to help clients with their nutrition as well as physically with her pilates based workouts. As a woman now embarking on IVF, she has also now has much deeper understanding on how food and cycle syncing can improve fertility amongst women!
What membership includes
Website and mobile application (through Vimeo)
Trimester specific recipes alongside Pilates, Barre and strength and conditioning videos.
Each recipe will include a nutrition spotlight or highlight explaining why it benefits mom & baby.
The workouts will range from 10-30 minutes and have different focuses, with attention on pelvic floor health, abdominal strength and staying mobile during pregnancy.
Videos from prenatal and postpartum experts on the app such as a doula, OBGYN, lactation consultant and psychiatrist specializing in postpartum depression.
E-shop with our favorite maternity/baby products and services with discount codes